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Music for Kids

Music is an immensely important part of our growth and development as humans.  Before we can read, we use music to help us learn and memorize things like the alphabet.  These are things that are imprinted on our minds early and they stick.  While we may not remember half of the things we learned in school, I have no doubt we could all sing the ABC's together this Sunday with no problem at all.  

As parents, we want to teach our kids good songs with simple truths about God and His Kingdom that will stick with them throughout their lives.  We don't want songs that trivialize God, but ones that draw us back to who God is and what He has done for us.  A simple song like "Jesus Loves Me," can be the reminder that we need in that dark moment that we are not alone.

It's not always easy to find good Biblical songs for kids.  So, I've put together a Redeemer Kids playlist as something we can play for the kids during children's church as well as a resource for parents.  In my mind, this playlist is a starting point.  It is something that we can continually add to and I would love to hear of any songs or artists that you have found.  

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