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Writer's pictureJames Hough

Family Devotional Resources

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you are having a good week so far. As we discussed in the Men’s Study last night, finding resources for family devotionals can be difficult. Here are a few things that Morgan and I have found. We have used some, others our kids were a little past by the time we found them. I hope they can be useful for you.  We are all walking through this together, please feel free to share things that have worked for you too!

Everything a Child Should Know about God - Good book with very short little devotions, great for younger kids

Devotional Dippers - These are little cardboard strips with verses and questions. You can set these on the table and at the end of family dinner have a kid grab one and talk about it. It adds a fun little element of mystery to family devotions.

Wise Up and Listen Up - We used the Wise up for a little while after dinner. Wise up is on the Proverbs and Listen up is on the Parables.

Ten Of Those - Ten of those is a fantastic Christian Bookstore that has lots of options. The difference between them and other Christian Bookstores is they take the time to ensure what they are selling has good doctrine. Obviously, I can’t vouch for everything on their site, but if it’s available on their site I am far more likely to trust it than if I found it elsewhere.

Minno Kids - This is not a devotional but a streaming service. Last night we talked about limiting screen time and that is definitely the goal we want to shoot for, sometimes it is just helpful to have a streaming platform you can trust. Not everything on Minno is theologically sound. Many of the shows emphasize a moralism, but Owlegories, Night Owls and Early Birds, Torchlighters, Galaxy Buck, Buck Denver’s What’s in The Bible, The Biggest Story are all excellent shows with sound Biblical Teaching.

Worship in the Word - I’ll put another post, later on, good kids’ music (and I’ll make a playlist), but that is something we talked about last night too, and here is a good album to have playing in the background when you are doing things with your kids.

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