Our Values
Gospel Centrality
Our symbol is a cross, not a ladder. We preach good news, not good advice. Our message to the world is “It is finished,” not “get to work.” Ephesians 2:8
Courageous Vulnerability
Our identity is found in Christ, so we are done pretending and performing to earn approval. Your story shapes you; the gospel defines you. Romans 8:1
Kingdom Expansion
Jesus, our risen king, calls us to expand his kingdom. We are a community of disciples who make disciples who make disciples. We are a church that plants churches that plants churches. Matthew 28:18-20
Missional Engagement
We choose mission over comfort. Like Jesus, we love and serve the oppressed and marginalized. We will BLESS our neighbors where we live, work, and play. We will impact the world by supporting gospel-centered global missions. Acts 1:8
Personal Transformation
God has redeemed us to be his people eager to do good works. We are transformed by grace into the image of Jesus as we behold his glory. We are committed to a lifelong pursuit of holiness. Titus 2:13-14
Radical Hospitality
The mission to reach the world starts with an open door, a meal or a cup of coffee. We aspire to display the love of Jesus to the world by opening our homes and hearts to all who long to know and be known. Luke 7:34